Monday, February 14, 2011

Ker'flab and his fellows


Ker'flab, the Tentacled God who Stacks Things Atop Other Things: An entity from the Great Beyond, the inscrutable Ker'flab extrudes his slimy pseudopods into the businesses (and business ends) of others, and insinuates that the ends, often, hold their own reward. Venerated by seafood worshipping cultists in Colonna, Ker'flab is considered an abomination in most other kingdoms, and rightly so. Recently, cultists were found to have penetrated the deepest circles of the Mostly Holy Knights, and corrupted the Knighthood from within in a multilayered conspiracy that stacked one evil plot atop another.

This deity spreads Chaos, Madness & Suffering, and his clerics are also trained Summoners of the tentacled beings from Ker'flab's realm.

It's holy symbol is three stylized squids with eight tentacles, stacked atop one another, and impaled upon a sharp stick.

Ker'flab's favored weapons are the lance & the flail.


It is not known how the inimical Fiat came to be, save that one day, curious pyramidal shrines started sprouting out of the ground near places where adventurers cared to roam. The likeness of Fiat has been described to be generally non-Euclidean, and that his features are constantly in a state of flux, leading to speculation that he, too, is a being from the Great Beyond.

Fiat dangles like a threat above the heads of would be adventurers, hindering their path unless they pay him tribute, often in the way of coin. Those that do, however, claim that he blesses them, turning their luck to a good end. Because of this, gamblers frequently make offerings to Fiat, and adventurers tend to show Fiat a smidgen of reverence, more out of fear than anything else.

Fiat governs the domains of Fate, Luck, Pride and Time, his favored weapon is the shuriken, and his holy symbol is a 20-sided die.

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