Saturday, April 18, 2009

Who killed Sir Robin? XD

Adventure Summary:

Today, the party decided to investigate the death of Sir Robin of Altab, a Mostly Holy Knight of Garamond who was found dead, pants down, with an arrow shoved up his behind. After rummaging through graveyards, questioning hippies and savaging a bunch of Maiandran necromancers intent on some hell raising, our mostly indifferent and money minded adventurers seemed several steps closer to the reward of 10,000 gold. Well, until they discovered that one of their competitors in the endeavor, the semi-famous Dwarven investigator Allan Poe (actually two, if you count abovementioned necromancers), had just turned up dead, dead, dead. :o

1. Loot tally for this week's episode (18 April 2009)

a. Maiandran Arms and Armor (Party)

Arms and armor worth some 1,200 gold on the resale market.

These pieces (including a nice axe and plate armor) were picked up from the bodies of several well meaning, though somewhat shifty necromancers who had promised to divulge the identity of the murderers at the stroke of midnight. Of course, according to Margaret Chan, the Edessan noblewoman who had only just today joined the party, they were really attempting foul and dastardly magics to animate the dead. Thusly, they deserved to all be smote and looted.

b. Wand of Enfeeblement (Yan Sin)

A wand containing 7 charges of the Ray of Enfeeblement (Nec 2nd) spell. This wand is of an arcane nature.

c. Wand of Deathchill (Dith)

This wand contains 3 charges of the Deathchill spell. It fires a ray of frost with a range of up to 60-ft, hitting with a ranged touch attack for 2d8 damage. Additionally, the target must make a Fort save (DC 13) or be fatigued.

d. Belt with Ram's Head Buckle (Joey)

Picked up from the mutilated body of one Allan Poe, a famous Dwarven investigator who was found chopped up and left in a dumpster on Fairway, this belt seems to increase the Strength of its wearer. Additionally, it has two small settings for gemstones, both of which seem to be missing.

e. Glass Eye and Monocle (Mash)

The Glass Eye of Sir Fly, retrieved from his tomb. It confers the ability to Detect Magic 1/day. When worn in conjunction with the monocle from Allan Poe's corpse, it grants its user +5 to spot checks. The Eye seems to possess additional properties that have yet to be uncovered.

f. Scroll of Animate Dead (Dith)

This divine scroll contains the Animate Dead spell, scribed and infused with enough magic to create several skeletons that last for 20 rounds (2 minutes). However, unless the user of the scroll has enough 50 gp black pearls to sacrifice to completing the ritual and making the spell permanent, these skeletons crumble to dust at the end of the duration.

2. Experience Awards (18 April 2009)

a. All party members earn 1,500 XP. This means that everyone is now at 24,500 XP.

3. Party Loot

a. Pearl of Power (1st) (Yan Sin)

This pearl allows its user to recall any 1st level spell that he has already cast, refreshing it in his memory to be casted again.

4. Quest Items

a. A white owl's feather

This feather was found at the cemetery, at plot E17, where the gravedigger's body was found.

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