Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Fontian Adventuring Company, minus one lizard

Adventure Summary

It's been awhile since there were updates to our Fontian archive, no thanks to evil RL matters such as exams and general silliness. Fortunately, the adventure had been going mostly well, with our happy band of Az, Orson, Subway and Sandwich cleaving down all sorts of nasty opposition, two headed giants, displacer beast monsters, and nasty rebels to reach the dragon's lair.

Unfortunately, Orson was backstabbed by a rogue for the umpteenth time, and this time, he was turned into lizard kebab for good. Az teleported everyone back to Arabel, and right about now, the Fontian Adventuring Company is looking for more meat before they decide to attack the dragon proper.

So we're back in business, and this week, it looks like there's gonna be more mischief, mayhem, and dead lizards to boot!

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