In today's instalment of Eberron Mystery Theatre, our heroes - Picadilly, Jacquesaurs, Chris, Stab and Diaspo ranged far and wide, from the seamy city lights of seedy Sharn to the exotic land of Xen'drik, where mystery and adventure awaits.
Having had no luck with dismantling the 200,000 lb golden doors in the crypt of Lord Valkar and a particularly nasty run in with a shadowy death trap, our heroes decided to halt their efforts on the interim, and to pursue Lady Alanis ir'Morrisette, who had flown the proverbial coop to Xen'drik, in an unchartered sky galleon called the Dragonfly. Investigations revealed that the vessel was owned by one Captain Justinus Belthazar, and that they had left only three days ago. There was still ample time, it seemed, to catch up to their ship, if they hurried.
Hiring a Lyrander airship, our adventurers proceeded to follow Lady Alanis's trail across the ocean. En route, they chanced upon the wreck of another air ship, wrecked in what appeared to be aerial combat, and its sole survivor, an enraged air elemental. After defeating the elemental and securing the safety of their own ship, everyone decided to move on board the downed vessel to investigate.
It seemed the vessel was crewed by former convicts, cutthroats and freebooters - a pirate vessel, no doubt, except the vessel had likely attempted to take another ship, and bit off more than they could chew. Ballista bolts dented the hull, and the crew had been slaughtered to a man by some foul, poisonous magic. Searching the ship, the party discovered the bodies of the ship's mage and ship's cleric, and a whole slew of magical traps in the Captain's quarters.
Chris was the first to fall afoul of a magical symbol of blinding that caused his eyes to explode. As he flailed about blindly, the party began tearing the Captain's quarters apart to look for more treasure. They discovered a potion of restoration, a healing potion, and an exploding pearl, which exploded in Jacquesaur's hand. Stab also discovered a hidden chest in a cunningly disguised altar box, and another blinding symbol. His eyes also exploded. Hurhurhur.
With two blind mice in the party, the group decided to make a tactical withdrawal, whilst towing the airship along with the one they had chartered. Chris quaffed the potion of restoration, and regained his sight, but poor Stab was left flailing for quite a bit longer. Arriving in Stormreach, the party sent the captured airship to the repair yards, and proceeded to take Stab to the Temple of Kol Korran, where after dealing with an incredibly infuriating priest, got Stab's eyes fixed.
The priest though, was more than cooperative when the donations came pouring into the poor box. He informed the group that Captain Justinus and his crew were in fact at the Maiden's Head tavern, and that they had purchased a 'Miracle' scroll.
Our inquisitives followed this lead to the Maiden's Head, where they met with Justinus's group - a cleric of the Silver Flame, a necromancer, Lady Alanis, who was a capable fighter it appeared, and Captain Justinus himself, an exceedingly eloquent and silver tongued bard. Jacquesaurs casted a spell during Justinus's performance, and was invited by the Captain to join in. This gained the Captain's trust, and Jacquesaurs an invite to travel with the Captain's group on their adventure into the ruins of Xen'drik.
It was later discovered that this expedition was not to gather lost giant artifacts, elven relics, or dragonshards, but rather a rescue mission - Captain Justinus had long been famous for his exploits, most especially for his stealing a solid gold statue of the Spider Queen from one of Xen'drik's temple compounds. What nobody knew was that he'd left a comrade, a stalwart paladin called Sir Herman behind when they had accidentally opened a portal to the Spider Queen's realm in the Abyss. This time, they were going to go through the portal to find their friend, and to rescue him from the clutches of the demons. Jacquesaurs, Picadilly, Chris and Diaspo were invited to come along as helpers, and quite possibly bait.
The following morning, the party was teleported to the ruins by Captain Justinus's necromancer, and the group was tasked with watching the portal and combating the demons that came out while the more seasoned group entered the Abyss to rescue the paladin.
True enough, a spider demon pressed the attack, followed by several abishai, and finally a kyton. It was a difficult battle, probably one of the most difficult the party had faced, as most of their spells and weapons were only able to graze the creatures, causing little harm. Their patience won out finally, when after dispatching the tricky chain devil, Captain Justinus's group reappeared. They had the paladin with them, but not the good Captain. It seemed he had stayed behind this time.
Now that her mission was concluded, Lady Alanis decided to return to Sharn of her own volition, mentioning that she would likely stop adventuring for awhile. She promised to inform her father about the party's fulfilling of their contract, and sailed off in Captain Justinus's ship.
The party then decided to take a break from their usual routine in Sharn for a week, to savor the sights and sounds of this exotic land of opportunity. Afterall, Xen'drik was the perfect place for adventurers to make a name for themselves, and to grow rich on the bounty of all that this deeply forested, tropical zone had to offer.
What will our party get up to in Stormreach, and in the forests beyond? All this and more next week, in Eberron Mystery Theatre.
Treasure and Experience
1. All adventurers gain 4,500 xp.
2. You acquired the following treasure:
a. A Corsair's Eyepatch - 3/day. See Invisibility or Blindfight for 1 minute. Claimed by Stab.
b. Scalebane - +1 cutlass (as scimitar). +3 vs. aquatic creatures & +2d6 damage.
c. A Hat of Disguise - Disguise Self and other uses. Claimed by Jacquesaurs.
d. A +1 Adamantite Warhammer - Breaches hardness. Claimed by Picadilly.
e. A Enchanted Bottle with Talisman - A silver flask covered with a wax seal and a strip of arcane scroll. Claimed by Jacquesaurs.
f. Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds - 11 charges. Heals 2d8+3 damage.
g. Twilight Mithral Chain Shirt - As Mithral Chain Shirt +1, but no arcane spell failure chance.
h. Staff of Fire - 21/25 charges. Burning Hands or Flaming Sphere (1 charge), Fireball (2 charges), Wall of Fire (3 charges). Uses your Caster Level to determine effectiveness of spells cast from the staff. Claimed by Chris.
i. Ring of Water Walking - Allows continuous Water Walking ability. Claimed by Picadilly.
j. Miscellaneous Gold and Treasure awarded worth 1,600 gp each.
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