Saturday, March 28, 2009

Quest Items

Yea Big Bag of Quest Items

Episode 1: Survivor: Fontia

1. Map of Yon Island

It's a map. 'nuff said.

2. Ancient Journal

A journal written in an unfamiliar tongue, alluding to the experiments of the island's past inhabitants on the creation of artificial life. It includes sketches of exotic plants, elven and human physiognomy, and machines, including a picture closely resembling the enigmatic green box that was the source of your debut adventure.

3. Researcher's Notes

A log written by Miles N. Miles, a scholar from the National Library of the Holy Empire of Garamond. It describes the research team's excavation of the tower ruins in the center of Yon Island, the discovery of the enigmatic green box, and Professor Birmingham's disappearance.

4. Clipboard with Picture

A piece of card attached to a small clip. It is adorned with several holes of varying shape and size, a thin, metallic strip, and a curiously life-like portrait of a short haired gent with a moustache. Unfamiliar letters are placed in a square in the center of the card. It has demonstrated a curious ability to open doors in the dome-like structure on Yon Island.


Episode 2: Mine your own business

1. Note in scroll case

A note containing instructions for the suspicious drover. It goes into gory detail about how to dispose of the corpse in the caravan, and lists a meeting place (Serpent's Clearing) for when the deed is done.

2. Bandit Insignia

A badge with a twisted snake motif on a plain triangular shield. The bandits that accosted the group wore such badges on their sleeves.

3. Copperhead's Letter

A letter from Copperhead to Delirious. It says "Thanks for the stone. It was shiny. Let's do business again next time." and is affixed with Copperhead's family seal.

4. Crate of Arms

A crate containing weapons from the mage smith Delirious, due for the Mercenary's Guild of Garamond.

5. The Colonnan Ambassador [RETURNED]

A pompous, sweaty and porkish looking individual who speaks with an annoying lisp. This behosed and betuniced gent claims to be an official from the Comte of Colonna. He was caught by our intrepid adventurers at the Copperlode Mine.

6. The REAL Deed to the Copperlode Mine [PARTY]

This deed, stamped and acknowledged by the Garamondian Survey is made in Orson's name. It confers ownership of the Copperlode Mine and the surrounding 1-mile to the party.

7. The Copperlode Mine Base [PARTY]

The party has taken over the Copperlode Mine as their new base of operations. This 6 room structure contains living facilities enough for them to conduct most of their adventuring and still have a pleasant enough place to return to when their quests are over.

8. Honorary TMI Member Badge [PARTY]

This badge, which resembles the smiley face :) icon, grants the party honorary membership in the Times Military Intelligence (motto: "Too much information!"), the Church of Times New Roman's best kept, not so secret secret service. New quests and employment opportunities abound, so long as you flash this badge in the right places.


Episode 3: Who killed Sir Robin?

1. A white owl's feather

This feather was found at the cemetery, at plot E17, where the gravedigger's body was found.

2. Fragments of a poem

These poem fragments were contained in the cigar case notebook found on Allan Poe's remains. There are several short stanzas of a poem, with words underlined, written in Dwarvish hand.

Stanza 1: "Who killed Cock Robin? I, said the Sparrow, with my bow and arrow."

Stanza 2: "Who saw him die? I, said the Fly, with my little eye."

Stanza 3: "Who caught his blood? I, said the Fish (Fisch?), with my little dish."

Stanza 4: "Who'll make the shroud? I, said the Beetle, with my thread and needle."

Stanza 5: "Who'll dig his grave? I, said the Owl, with my pick and shovel."

An additional 6th Stanza was found imprinted on an empty sheet of paper.

Stanza 6: "Who'll be the parson? I, said the Rook, with my little book."

And that is where the poem stops.

3. The Curtain

An incomplete tapestry curtain showing Sir Robin riding through a forested area towards a Colonnan castle. The sky is overcast, and an ominous cloud with eerie red eyes hangs over the castle, while 13 cloaked figures stand watching on the parapets. Birds of all sorts, too small to make out, seem to be fleeing from the castle. A note was found sewn secretly into the tapestry, addressed to Lady Lucida, revealing that the list of cultists had been passed on to Sir Fly.

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