Today, the party continued its investigation of the Copperhead Manor. Other than breaking down more doors, ravaging more shelves, and blowing up more wall safes for loot and a very important title deed, they also discovered a strange altar on which stood a glowing purple stone bound with prayer strips that was hidden behind a painting on the second story.
Az was possAzzed when he came into contact with the stone, and the party was forced to fight the stone's guardian, a terrifying purple smoke monster. The purple smoke continued to harass and haunt the party even after the guardian was defeated and the room sealed, spreading its taint across the manor house, prompting a hasty exit.
Further investigations of the manor revealed a tunnel from the house to the mines, and lo and behold, the remains of Darren Copperhead and his butler, both now dessicated corpses. But where was the mysterious maid, who has gone missing since?
And thusly, the plot thickens.
Oh, and they also decided to torch the manor to stop the purple smoke from spreading. :x
1. Loot tally for this week's episode (11 April 2009)
a. Antique Vases (Party)
Pilfered from Darren Copperhead's second story hallway. These antiques are worth a sum total of 1,000 gold. This sum went towards the purchasing of land rights to the Copperlode Mine.
b. Several gems and exotic pearls (Party)
Assorted gemstones valued at approximately 390 gold, as well as three pearls worth 300 gold apiece, were discovered in Darren Copperhead's study, secreted in a cunningly hidden wall safe.
c. A magical pearl (Yan Sin)
This magical pearl radiates a minor conjurative aura. Az's has kept it in his belt pouch for future use.
d. An unintelligible grimoire (Yan Sin)
This magical grimoire, found in Darren Copperhead's study, is written in a spidery scrawl that defies even magical comprehension. While the ideas behind most of the spells written in this volume are easy enough to understand, the formulae are impossible even for skilled magical practitioners to fathom. A single page in the back of the book contains the secrets of the Confusion (Ench, 4th) spell.
2. Experience Awards (11 April 2009)
a. All party members have had their XP value adjusted to 23,000 XP. This puts the party at Level 7.
b. Dith was absent, but is still able to draw from this largesse, and gains Level 7. Damned lucky halfling. XD
3. Party Loot
a. Lytic Dagger (Dith)
This throwing dagger erupts into a cloud of greenish vapor 20-ft wide upon striking its target. Anyone caught in the cloud must make a Fort save (DC 16), or be affected as if by a Poison spell, as cast by a 7th level caster, taking 1d10 Con damage on a failed save, and another 1d10 a minute later.
This is a one-time-use item.
b. Cloak of Charisma +2 (Dith)
This moth-eaten cloak confers a temporary +2 enhancement bonus to the character's Charisma score so long as it is worn.
4. Quest Items
a. The REAL Deed to the Copperlode Mine
This deed, stamped and acknowledged by the Garamondian Survey is made in Orson's name. It confers ownership of the Copperlode Mine and the surrounding 1-mile to the party.
b. The Copperlode Mine Base
The party has taken over the Copperlode Mine as their new base of operations. This 6 room structure contains living facilities enough for them to conduct most of their adventuring and still have a pleasant enough place to return to when their quests are over.
c. Honorary TMI Member Badge
This badge, which resembles the smiley face :) icon, grants the party honorary membership in the Times Military Intelligence (motto: "Too much information!"), the Church of Times New Roman's best kept, not so secret secret service. New quests and employment opportunities abound, so long as you flash this badge in the right places.
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