Saturday, May 2, 2009

Why's it always got to be rats?

Adventure Summary:

It seems that the dead Dwarven detective Allan Poe hasn't quite given up the ghost. Following up on a bombing at the chapterhouse of the Mostly Holy Knights, our party discovered that a ratty looking individual posing as a clerk had actually planted the bomb. They followed him into the sewers of Sans Serif, and there, the halfling decided to attack The Sewer Monster (yes, it didn't attack them). :o After lots of dunking in dirty sewage and mucking about though, our party realized that the Sewer Monster made for a decent raft, and started sailing down the aqueducts to hunt for the ratty clerk. They discovered the clerk hiding in a storage chamber deep underground, and that he wasn't just a ratty individual, but a true, blue, rat. Or rather, wererat!

After subduing the clerk, and many shenanigans at a Temple of Typo later, the group discovered that the man with the white feather headdress was from the Colonnan Embassy. And today being the inauguration ceremony for the new ambassador, it meant that it was time to crash a party. XD

1. Loot tally for this week's episode (02 May 2009)

a. 110 gold in donations from Typo's faithful

A smart ruse, a thrown stone, a dog, and some cunning bluff checks later, the adventurers were 110 gold richer, and the Church of Typo 110 gold poorer.

2. Experience Awards (02 May 2009)

a. All party members present today earn 2,500 XP. This means that everyone is now at 27,000 XP. This means that everyone (except Bob) are 1,000 xp away from Level 8.

3. Party Loot

None this week.

4. Quest Items

a. Fragments of a poem

These poem fragments were contained in the cigar case notebook found on Allan Poe's remains. There are several short stanzas of a poem, with words underlined, written in Dwarvish hand.

Stanza 1:

"Who killed Cock Robin?
I, said the Sparrow,
with my bow and arrow."

Stanza 2:

"Who saw him die?
I, said the Fly,
with my little eye."

Stanza 3:

"Who caught his blood?
I, said the Fish (Fisch?),
with my little dish."

Stanza 4:

"Who'll make the shroud?
I, said the Beetle,
with my thread and needle"

Stanza 5:

"Who'll dig his grave?
I, said the Owl,
with my pick and shovel."

An additional 6th Stanza was found imprinted on an empty sheet of paper.

Stanza 6:
Who'll be the parson?
I, said the Rook,
with my little book.

And that is where the poem stops.

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