Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Fontian Adventuring Company, Part 1: Why so serious?

Adventure Summary

In today's adventure, our adventurers discovered that the town they were in had a name. It was called Barrenstone, and yes indeed, they were in a world far far removed from Fontia. In fact, it was that world best described as riddled with munchkins, horny old wizards, a feuding ya-ya sisterhood, and dark elves in tights that prance around with sharp swords. Yes, they had arrived, horror of horrors, in Faerun.

And to make matters worse, they had arrived in quite possibly the most Lawful part of Faerun ever; the forest kingdom of Cormyr! :o

Since they had to be registered to practice their trade in Cormyr, Az, Orson and Subway decided to travel to the nearest city, Arabel, to purchase a charter. There, they encountered a down and out nobleman dining at the Hungry Man, who decided to offer them employment, with the promise of a sponsored adventuring license and guild patronage - all they had to do was guard some cargo from rebels. Seizing on the opportunity, our happy friends obliged.

Of course, the cargo theft went badly, for the would be rebels, that is. They were all a measly level 3 to 5, and our heroes, well, they pwned them! XD They even took loot, prisoners, and a healthy supply of bodies for Az's undead trust fund. XD Shortly after, deciding that they had better things to do than guard wagons, our heroes also decided to hunt for an arsonist cavorting in the Helm Lands.

This turned out to be rather more than THEY could chew. The arsonist turned out to be a high priest of Talos, and Orson was shredded into sashimi, almost. Not a pleasant thing indeed.

Next week, they'll follow up on the rebels, and hopefully, if that mission is successful, earn the secret location of a dragon's hoard as a reward.

More to come!

1. Loot tally for this week's episode (25 July 2009)

a. Spellbook (Az)

Contains the following: 1st - Cause Fear, Chill Touch, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Ray of Enfeeblement, 2nd - Ghoul Touch, Protection from Arrows, Spectral Hand, Web, 3rd - Resonating Bolt, Vampiric Touch

b. Potion of Fire Breathing (Az)

This spicy potion lasts 1 minute. Anytime within this duration, the drinker can breathe a single cone of fire (15-ft range, 5d6 damage, Reflex (DC 14) half). If this attack is not utilized before the 1 minute expires, the power of the potion is lost.

c. +2 Adamantite Maul (Subway)

A really nasty looking hammer. It's also powerfully enchanted, and made of adamantite.

d. +2 Plate Armor (Party)

A well made suit of plate armor. It bears a stormy motif.

e. Rod of Endless Javelins (Orson)

This rod conjures and hurls one or more +1 magic javelins each time round. These javelins are composed of magic and last for one round before disappearing. A user with the Quick Draw feat may make as many iterative attacks as his full attack bonus allows with the Rod of Endless Javelins. Each Javelin has a range of 30-ft, and inflicts 1d6+1 damage.

f. Bag of Gems (Party Loot)

19 Rubies valued at 50 gp a piece.

2. Experience Awards (25 July 2009)

a. All parties involved gain 1,500 xp for foiling the rebel attack on the caravan, as well as defeating the arsonist.

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