Adventure Summary
The rumbling sound... it was not the rumbling of Sandwich's stomach, or the wind breaking from Sir Gingerbeer's bowels. Nay. It was the giant siege golem stowed away in yea corner. Herwin the bard had roused the golem with his bad singing, and true enough, all hell had broken loose. As the golem rampaged through the catacombs beneath Thunderstone, breaking support struts, caving in orphanages and routing guardsmen, our valiant heroes figured that discretion was the better part of their motto, and beat a hasty, tactical retreat through the same doorway Saheed had escaped in, with the golem hot on their hineys.
They exited in an open field with a mowed rectangular strip, just in time to see a sleek, orange painted zeppelin with tiger stripes taxi-ing out and up into the wild blue yonder. Oh noes! D: It seemed Saheed had made his escape back to Calimshan with his ill gotten gains afterall.
But that wasn't the end of it. The golem's was still rampaging around Thunderstone, and this time, it was laying waste to not just the underground warehouses, but the town! It was generally agreed upon that salvaging what they could of the town was a good idea, so the party split up, with Azathar the Cleric and Sir Gingeerbeer working to evacuate the townsfolk, while Az the Wizard and Subway proceeded to Duke Gilbert's estate to secure what they could of his ill gotten gains.
Along the way, Az and Subway encountered a rather odd elf, who claimed to be a king of a kingdom (of two). Said king claimed to be a friend of the Duke, so they decided to all enter the Duke's estate to search it together. It turned out to be a short search, because the golem seemed to have plans for the Duke's estate, and was approaching the place. Another tunnel escape later, the adventurers regrouped, new friend in tow, and this time, the kingly elf claimed it would be a good idea to stop the golem. For treasure, and rewards, and stuff.
So they did. The battle was a mess, alright. The golem was two storeys tall, and most of our adventurer's weapons and spells hardly scratched it. Conversely, it smacked and shoved and stomped everyone, and more portions of the city to boot. That is, until everyone decided to stick spanners and sharpish objects in the golem's gears, knock its control box open, and rip out the machinery.
And so they saved the town. And were awarded treasure. And a statue was made in their name. It was a very ugly statue, but it was the though that counted. Yay.
Stuff from the Town. a.k.a. the Power Rangers Treasure Stash from killing giant space robot:
1. Armor of Flames - A suit of red plate armor with gold trim, wings, and sharp-ish spikes. It counts as a suit of +3 mithril full plate (AC 11), and grants Fire Resistance 10. Looted by Sir Gingerbeer.
2. Earthen Boots - A pair of sturdy boots coated with a brown, rock-like resin. This pair of boots grants its wearer the Tremor Sense ability up to 60-ft. By stomping hard on the ground, the wearer can also unleash a shockwave as the Shatter spell, 1/day.
3. Water Whip - A blue marble stick in the shape of a mermaid. When activated, a stream of water leaks from the mermaid's tail. This stream of water can be wielded as if it were a whip +3. It has a range of up to 10-ft, and deals 1d6+3 cold damage on a successful ranged touch attack. Unlike a conventional whip, this weapon can harm enemies wearing strong armor. It can also be used to strike at targets in melee range. Looted by Az.
4. Galeforce Bow - This bow is affixed with streamers of white crystal, and has no visible bowstring. It fires arrows of compressed air that strike with great force, inflicting 2d6 force damage plus the user's Strength bonus. The only drawback is that this weapon functions only in an environment with air in it. It will not function underwater, nor will it function in a vacuum. Looted by Subway.
5. Resonating Staff - This staff hums loudly, and tinkles whenever it is shaken. It counts as a +1 quarterstaff, and allows the user to cast the following spells by sacrificing a spell slot of equivalent or higher level. 2nd - Shatter, 3rd - Resonating Bolt, 4th - Orb of Sound, 5th - Cone of Sound (Cone of Cold, but Sonic damage), 6th - Great Shout. Looted by Azathar.
Every party member is entitled to their pick of the above items. In addition, every member gains 1,300 xp.
Bonus Treasure (or What the Auditors missed)
1. The party discovers a Folding Boat in the ruins of the underground warehouse. This flatbed barge can comfortably sit a party of up to 6 adventurers, and can be magically shrunk for easy storage. Just add water, and voila~!.
2. Incriminating Documents in the warehouse suggest that Duke Gilbert has land somewhere in the Vast Swamp. Perhaps he has escaped there to regroup. Or he may have stored some treasure there. Or something.
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