Sunday, February 7, 2010

Treasures of the Vast Swamp

Or What The Snake Dragged In

1. Map of Vast Swamp - A waterproof map, scribed with colored inks on a nice piece of parchment. This map marks several landmarks in the Vast Swamp that MIGHT be of interest to the average adventurer. Completely non-magical.

2. Magic ring of Evocation - A Ring of Magic Missiles (Caster Level 9, 33 charges). Worn on the finger, functions just like the wand. The convenience of having many magic missiles at your fingertips. Clearly, it wasn't as convenient as its last owner imagined. This ring is not rechargeable.

3. Gloves of Transmutation - Cat's Paws. This pair of gloves are not only comfortably warm, they also provide the wearer with the ability to climb deftly, and land safely. +5 Climb Checks, and Feather Fall effect 1/day.

4. Wand of Shatter - 15 charges.

5. Cloak of Comfort - Ermine trimmed, and keeps the wearer pleasantly cool, at standard room temperature. Functions as if the wearer were the subject of Endure Elements spell.

6. Masterwork axe - Of good, barbarian make. Can be sold for 125 gold.

7. Chainmail of cold resistance - +2 armor, with a mild Cold Resistance 10 enchant.

8. Bjornelf dagger - A wickedly sharp dagger carved from a tooth, inlaid with blue crystal powder. +4 dagger. Cone of Cold (Caster Level 9th) 1/day

9. Quiver of Endless Arrows - Perfectly normal looking quiver that possesses a clever enchant. So long as at least 1 arrow remains in the quiver, it will never run out of arrows. But how many arrows does that mean you need to keep inside? Maybe two.

10. Leather headband - This shaman's tribal headdress is adorned with colorful feathers. Red, Blue, Green and Brown. Each feather is usable once, and once only. Red - Flamestrike, Blue - Summon a medium water elemental that will serve the user for 1 hour, Green - Cure Serious Wounds, Brown - Rusting Grasp. The headband itself is non-magical.

11. Leather armor - Sporeling Armor. This armor is made of a strange fibrous material. The material itself is slick and supple, and seems to have tiny pores with yellow buds. The armor produces three spores each day. Each spore can be consumed, but only one at a time, to grant the benefit of the Aid spell on the wearer.

12. A signet ring with a bear motif. The bear looks curiously cute. A totem animal of the barbarian tribe, perhaps.

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