I'm finally rid of the spider demon's curse. That's cause for celebration; to be honest the curse has been plaguing my mind for ages. To give my soul to the demon just for helping us with one dragon? I must've been pretty desperate then to agree to such terms.
Yes, at least my new master gives me power. Power unimaginable. All hail Sseth the World Serpent.
We encountered him in the clearing with the Serpent Rock in the Vast Swamps. It was quite the fateful encounter, let me elaborate more. My new imp slave (which I imprisoned after our company exposed its hoax) brought us to the clearing, by way of the contract it forged with me when I imprisoned it in the flask left over from the spider demon. Even though it was very against going there. But the druid (long-lost friend from Fontia, Venti!) insisted we check it out as it was something not of nature, and his druid instincts were aghast.
In the clearing was nonetheless a huge rock shaped like a serpent. There were strange scriptures on the serpent's body, which extends underground and into the water as we were told by Venti. He brought us into the water for me to inspect, since they were magical scriptures. They were the strangest scriptures, in Draconic and some language that I could not understand. But I think it has something to do with a ritual, detailing the creation of a new world, at the sacrifice of the caster. Alas, it was beyond my current magical abilities to comprehend.
These are the words of destruction that will create a new world.
So it said. Before I knew it, my consciousness was seized, and I was brought to another plane. There was a dark figure, and a slithery voice that told me to repeat some incantations to pledge my servitude to Sseth, in exchange for power and ridding me of any soulbound contracts. I repeated the incantations.
After falling out of my trance, I returned back to the clearing, feeling somewhat more intelligent. On my arm, in place of the previous tattoo from the curse was some scales. And my friends tell me my tongue is a strange blue and forked now.
Moving on to the ruins where we suspect the mayor to be, we found a couple of buildings that were still intact, one of which has a staircase leading below ground. Not before Gingerbeer insulted me. I tried out my new powers against him, without killing him. That should be enough to teach him a lesson. Underground, we found the dead bodies of the barbarian adventurers that we were told (by the guards at the outpost at the edge of the swamps) to have entered the swamps five days ago. They were pretty smashed up and bloody. We followed a trail of blood that came from this barbarian being pulled along the floor, and came to this secluded are. And here we are.
Party loot (yet to be identified by DM):
Map of Vast Swamps, Magic ring of Evocation, Gloves of Transmutation, Wand of Shatter, Cloak of Warmth, Masterwork axe, Chainmail of cold resistance, dagger with curved blade (blade made of bone (?), carvings with blue powder ingrained, Bjornelf), Quiver of Endless Arrows, Leather headband and armor, signet ring (design of bear on it)
Current party fund stands at 18865gp, 15 silvers and 3 coppers.
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