If you've got an interest in pulp detective fiction, a love for all things noir, and think you're hard boiled (or just badass) enough to walk the seedy streets of Sharn, the city of towers in Eberron, then you'll be happy to know that we're recruiting gumshoes of every stripe, shape and variety.
Currently, the party is Level 6, and prospective applicants can use the following method for character creation:
1. This is an Effective Character Level (ECL) 6 game. This means that typically, you'll be 6th level characters if you do take any templates, or races with level adjustments.
2. Ability scores are 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8. Arrange as you like. Don't forget you also get a +1 bonus if you have 4 or more class levels.
3. Alignments allowed are: Any Non-evil. In Eberron Mystery Theatre, acting your alignment is an integral part of the roleplay experience. Often, players will be challenged with situations where not everything is black and white - there are sometimes all too many shades of grey. As such, alignment will be policed quite stringently.
4. You are allowed to use any of the Core Rulebooks (including DMG2, PHB2), the Complete series (including Complete Champion, Mage, Scoundrel), the Magical Item Compendium (MIC), the Spell Compendium (SC), and the Eberron campaign book (ECS).
Psionics is NOT allowed.
5. Players have the option of choosing an Eberron specific race, or an Eberron specific class, if they prefer. Examples include the Changeling, Shifter and Warforged races, as well as the Artificer class.
6. Templates are allowed, but you will have to bear with any repercussions and consequences of playing such a character.
No template higher than ECL+3 is allowed. Again, this is subject to DM approval.
7. Monster races are not allowed. Humanoid races (e.g. goblinoids from Droam) are allowed, if they do not have an LA of higher than +1. Again, subject to approval.
8. Starting wealth is 13,000 gp. You may spend all your gold, or save it, as you like. However, no single item you purchase may have a price exceeding 6,500 gp. You may supercede this limit if you have Craft feats. However, you will take a negative xp debt for crafting items, and will advance at a slower rate than other party members.
9. We are using the Action Points System. You begin play with a number of Action Points equal to 5 + Class Level/2. As 6th level characters, this means you begin play with 8 Action points. Action points may be used in any way as described in the SRD and Eberron campaign book. Additional uses of Action Points may be allowed, on a case by case basis.
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