Friday, June 11, 2010

Jacquesaurus the Bard

Jacquesaurus Bhugaloo/Bard 6/AP: 7
Small Sized
Gnome (Dragonblooded, Humanoid)/Chaotic Neutral

Hit Dice: 6d6 + 13 (* hit points)
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex)
Speed: 20' (20' base)
AC: 18 (+2 Dex, +1 size, +5 armor)/Touch 13, Flat-footed 16
Base Attack Bonus: +4
Base Grapple: -2 (+4 base, -2 Str, -4 size)
Attacks: +1 Whip-Dagger + 4 (+4 Base, -2 Str, +1 size, +1 magic)
Damage: +1 Whip-Dagger 1d4-1 (Crit 19-20/x2) (-2 Str, +1 magic)
Ranged Attacks: +1 Light Crossbow + 8 (+4 Base, +2 Dex, +1 size, +1 magic)
Damage: +1 Light Crossbow 1d6+1 (Crit 19-20/x2) (+1 magic)
Face/Reach: 5' x 5'/5'
Special Attacks: Arcane Spells
Special Qualities: Low-light Vision, +2 bonus to saves vs. Illusion, +1 to DC of Illusion spells, +1 to attack vs kobolds and Goblinoids, +4 to AC against Giants, +2 racial bonus to Listen and Craft (Alchemy) checks, Weapon familiarity (Gnome hook hammer), Spell-like abilities (1/day - Speak with Animals, Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation), Bardic Knowledge +11, Bardic Music 6/day (Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Courage +1, Inspire Competence, Suggestion)

Base Saves: Fort +2, Reflex +5, Will +5
Total Saves: Fort +5 (+2 Con, +1 magic), Reflex +8 (+2 Dex, +1 magic), Will +6 (+0 Wis, +1 magic)

Strength: 6 (-2)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 14 (+2)
Intelligence: 16 (+3)
Wisdom: 10 (+0)
Charisma: 19 (+4)

Skills: Appraise +8 (5 ranks, +3 Int), Bluff +9 (5 ranks, +4 Cha), Decipher Script +8 (5 ranks, +3 Int), Diplomacy +19 (9 ranks, +4 Cha, +6 synergy), Knowledge (arcana) +8 (5 ranks, +3 Int), Knowledge (history) +8 (5 ranks, +3 Int), Knowledge (nature) +8 (5 ranks, +3 Int), Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +8 (5 ranks, +3 Int), Perform +15 (9 ranks, +4 Cha, +2 instrument), Sense Motive +9 (9 ranks, +0 Wis), Spellcraft +10/12* (5 ranks, +3 Int, +2 synergy), Tumble +7 (5 ranks, +2 Dex), Use Magic Device +13/17* (9 ranks, +4 Cha, +4 synergy)

*only applies to scrolls

1st: Dragontouched
3rd: Dragonfire Inspiration
6th: Draconic Heritage (Howling Dragon)

Possessions (magic items are italicized): +1 Whip-Dagger, +1 Light Crossbow (60 bolts), Mithralmist Chain Shirt, Badge of Valor, Mac-Fiurmudh Cithern, Arcanist's Gloves, Cloak of Resistance +1, Wand of Cure Light Wounds, backpack with adventuring sundries (100 g)

Gold and Treasure: 7 g

Bard Spells Known: (DC 14 + Spell level)

0th (3/day) – Detect Magic, Lullaby, Mage Hand, Open/Close, Read Magic, Summon Instrument

1st (3+1/day) – Cure Light Wounds, Improvisation, Inspirational Boost, Tasha's Hideous Laughter

2nd (2+1/day) – Hold Person, Invisibility, Tactical Precision

Magic Item Summary:

Badge of Valor (immediate) - 3/day - increase your Inspire Courage bonus by +1.

Mac-Fiurmudh Cithern - 1/day - Cure Light Wounds, Mage Armor, Sleep. +2 to Perform checks.

Mithralmist Chain Shirt (swift) - 7/day - create a stationary cloud of concealing fog 20-ft wide, emanating from your square.

Arcanist's Gloves (swift) - 2/day - increase the caster level of one of your 1st level spells by 2.


Level: Bard 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 round/level

Gain a floating pool of temporary 2 bonus points/caster level. You can use these points to improve your attack rolls, skill checks and ability checks, though no single roll can be improved by more than half your caster level. You must declare any bonus point usage before the roll is made. Used points disappear from the pool, and any unused points at the end of the duration is lost.

Inspirational Boost
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-affecting, Sonic]
Level: Bard 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round, or special

While this spell is in effect, the morale bonus granted by your Inspire Courage bardic music ability improves by +1. The effect lasts until your next Inspire Courage duration ends. If you don't use your Inspire Courage bardic music before the beginning of your next turn, the spell's effect ends.

Tactical Precision
Divination [Mind-affecting]
Level: Bard 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25-ft + 5-ft/2 levels)
Target: One creature/level, no two of which are more than 30-ft apart
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

If two affected allies (including yourself) flank the same creature, each affected ally gains a +2 insight bonus on melee attack rolls and deals an additional 1d6 damage against the flanked creature. Creatures immune to sneak attack damage are immune to this damage.

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