Monday, October 4, 2010

Eberron Mystery Theatre - Magnifique?

In this instalment of Eberron Mystery Theatre, our heroes - Picadilly, Jacquesaurs, Jalros and Sir Colin conclude their investigation of the alchemy lab, and also rescue a group of survivors, with repercussions.

Where we last left off, the party had just descended into the waterlogged tunnel beneath the burnt out apothecary. Disabling a second puzzle door, the group entered what appeared to be a well stocked alchemy lab, replete with all the tools of the alchemists' trade, a live sized skeleton of a pterodactyl hanging from the ceiling, and the requisite book shelves filled with tomes of formulae. Careful searching revealed that the pterodactyl was a dud, and that it was actually a mechanism to open a hidden door in the ceiling. Pulling on it, Picadilly dislodged a large block of stone, which landed on her, but it also revealed a 30-ft shaft ascending into the rock and an oiled rope ladder. Jalros clambered up the rope to another door in the chamber above, but before he could open the door, he triggered a trap, which caused the rope ladder to catch on fire.

Fortunately, the ranger was nimble, and managed to secure himself in the tunnel, whilst letting the rope ladder burn out. He dextrously kicked down the door, and found himself in a square chamber with a plinth in the center, and four mirrored columns. Eventually, Jacquesaurs clambered up to join him, and after awhile, they puzzled out the mechanism. Using the bunch of potion bottles and scrolls in the lab beneath, Jacquesaurs changed three of the pillars into colored pillars, and he released a searing light from the scroll. As the light linked all four mirrors together, a beam cut through the center of the plinth, revealing a glowing white orb. The two also discovered that the door leading out of the plinth room led nowhere, but into a deep, star filled void where no sound was heard. They hastily closed the door, in case they fell inside. :P

After examination, the orb was eventually revealed to be an Angel's Ashes, and Jacquesaurs happily pocketed it because it was so powerful. And then Sir Colin noticed it and confiscated it. XD

The Angel's Ashes though bonded with Sir Colin, granting him angelic powers to help save the people of this place. Armed with this new item, the heroes left the alchemy lab, and proceeded to fly back to the keep. En route, they noticed the Maiden's Head tavern was sending out smoke signals, that it was fortified, and there was an armed dwarf on the rooftop waving his arms at the airship and prodding suspiciously.

Stopping at the Maiden's Head, the party picked up the dwarf and several other survivors - some adventurers had stayed at the Maiden's Head before the zombie attack, and were now eager to be rescued since supplies were low. There was a feral halfling from the Talenta Plains, a goblin ranger who turned out to be pretty righteous, a couple clad in leather armor with no visible weapons, the tavern keeper in his frilly tutu, a dwarven cleric who quickly retired below decks to pray for his spells, the dwarf, and a cloaked elf with a slimey expression.

Shortly after the group boarded however, the party noticed the sinister looking elf, who claimed to be called Martineau the Magnifique fiddling with the ship's elemental ring. When the ship stalled, the party discovered that the elf had in fact disabled the magic and was taking the ship captain hostage.

A battle soon ensued, and the party realized to their detriment that the dwarf, as well as a human couple were all in cahoots with the elf. The elf was a wizard of some power, and he flooded the deck of the airship with choking gas, poisonous gas, and solid fog. He also tried to mind control Jalros, threw people into the clouds, and practiced all sorts of shady magic. The dwarf charged at Picadilly, but was swiftly dispatched by her mooing horns and swinging hammer, as well as Sir Colin's dangerous spear from behind. The couple though had a field day with Jacquesaurs, who stumbled out of the cloud into their arms, to be backstabbed multiple times. They were rogues, the lot of them.

The battle was hard fought, and Jacquesaurs thought he hovered on death's door thrice, but everyone worked together to overcome Martineau. Eventually, they slew the hijacker, rescued Captain Seele, and liberated the ship. The female of the roguish couple though had fled during the fight, and nobody knew where she went. Picadilly thought that maybe she jumped ship.

Once the poisonous gases dissipated, the party returned to the keep, where everyone got some much deserved rest.

But that wouldn't be the end of it, would it? Such a bland ending to Eberron Mystery Theatre? Certainly not. There's still Zombies At The Gates, as our adventurers find out next week. So stay tuned, for the next installment of Eberron Mystery Theatre.


Treasure and Experience

1. Everyone gains 1,500 xp.

2. Scroll of Fireball, Scroll of Polymorph - found in a scroll case in the alchemy lab hidden under the apothecary's shop.

3. Angel's Ashes - Said to contain a real angel's remains. Grants Sir Colin the ability to use Sunburst 1/day. It can also Heal (150 hp) a person it touches 1/day. If Sir Colin uses the Sunburst power, it is Maximized (15d6), but he also takes the same amount of damage as was inflicted to the enemy. Both abilities are used as if by a 15th level caster.

4. Martineau's Cloak - A Minor Cloak of Displacement. Grants 20% miss chance against enemy attacks that require an attack roll.

5. Martineau's Spellbook - A book containing powerful conjuration, enchantment and illusion spells. It has the following spells: 1st - Color Spray, Disguise Self, Hypnotism, Mage Armor, Mount, Unseen Servant; 2nd - Hideous Laughter, Invisibility, Glitterdust, Web; 3rd - Hold Person, Stinking Cloud, Suggestion; 4th - Charm Monster, Phantasmal Killer, Solid Fog; 5th - Cloudkill, Dominate Person, Telekinesis

6. Battlerager's Helm - A dwarven war helm with one broken horn and one intact horn. It allows the wearer to enter a Barbarian Rage 1/day.

7. Blood slick dagger - A dagger of venom. It has a +1 enhancement bonus, and can cast Poison (DC 14) 1/day. This dagger seems to have taken many lives and is EVIL.

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