Lady Ramen/Fighter 6/Kensai* 2/Knight Protector* 3 (Rerolls: 10)
Medium Sized Human (Humanoid)/Lawful Neutral
Hit Dice: 10d10 + 22 (89 hit points)
Initiative: +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 30' (30' base)
AC: 30 (+3 Dex, +10 Armor, +7 Shield)
Base Attack Bonus: +15 (+10 base, +5 Str)
Base Grapple: +15 (+10 base, +5 Str)
Attacks: Signature Bastard Sword +18/+13 (+10 Base, +5 Str, +2 magic, +1 focus), Force Javelin +14/+9 (+10 Base, +3 Dex, +1 magic)
Damage: Signature Bastard Sword 1d10+9 (+5 Str [+8 Str as 2-handed], +2 magic, +2 specialization), Force Javelin 1d6+6 (+5 Str, +1 magic)
Face/Reach: 5' x 5'/5'
Special Attacks: None
Special Qualities: Signature Weapon, Power Surge, Defensive Stance +2, Shining Beacon, Best Effort +2 1/day, Supreme Cleave
Base Saves: Fort +6, Reflex +3, Will +8
Total Saves: Fort +11 (+2 Con, +3 magic), Reflex +9 (+3 Dex, +3 magic), Will +12 (-1 Wis, +2 feat, +3 magic)
Strength: 18 (+4)/20 (+5)
Dexterity: 16 (+3)
Constitution: 14 (+2)
Intelligence: 13 (+1)
Wisdom: 8 (-1)
Charisma: 11 (+0)
Skills: Balance (Dex) +8 (5 ranks, +3 Dex), Concentration (Con) +16 (14 ranks, +2 Con), Diplomacy +6 (Cha) (6 ranks), Jump (Str) +19 (14 ranks, +5 Str), Knowledge (nobility and royalty) (Int) +5 (4 ranks, +1 Int), Ride +10 (Dex) (7 ranks, +3 Dex), Sense Motive +4 (Wis) (5 ranks, -1 Wis), Spot +4 (Wis) (5 ranks, -1 Wis)
Human Bonus: Quick Draw
1st: Power Attack
F1: Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword)
F2: Cleave
3rd: Great Cleave
F4: Weapon Specialization (Bastard Sword)
6th: Combat Expertise
F6: Mounted Combat
9th: Improved Sunder
KP2: Iron Will
Possessions (magic items are italicized): Masterwork Dagger, Handy Haversack (containing 100gp worth of adventuring sundries), Signature Bastard Sword +2, Mithril Breastplate +5, Mithril Heavy Steel Shield +5, Cloak of Resistance +3, Belt of Giant Strength +2, Gloves of Endless Javelins
Gold and Treasure: 12 gp
Powers & Abilities:
Signature Weapon (Su) - Each time you gain a new kensai level, you can imbue your signature weapon with a magical enhancement bonus or an enchant by paying xp.
Power Surge (Ex) - As a move action, make a DC 15 Concentration check. If you succeed, you gain +8 Str for 1 round. The difficulty of the Concentration check increases by 5 each time you use it beyond the first in a 24 hour period.
Defensive Stance (Ex) - At the start of any turn when you are within 5-ft of an ally who is lower leveled, you may transfer up to 2 points of armor from yourself to this ally, reducing your armor by this amount and increasing the armor of the ally by a like amount. This effect lasts till end of turn.
Shining Beacon (Su) - Allies within 10-ft of you gain a +4 bonus to saves vs. Fear and Fear effects.
Best Effort (Ex) - 1/day you can add a +2 bonus to any one skill check you make.
Supreme Cleave (Ex) - You can take a 5-ft step when using the Cleave or Great Cleave feat.
* Complete Warrior
Saturday, April 3, 2010
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