Large Sized Minotaur (Monstrous Humanoid)/Chaotic Good
Hit Dice: 6d8 + 3d10 + 36 (96 hit points)
Initiative: -1 (-1 Dex)
Speed: 30' (30' base)
AC: 26 (-1 Dex, +9 armor, +5 Natural, +3 Shield), Touch 10, Flat-footed 25
Base Attack Bonus: +9
Base Grapple: +21 (+9 base, +8 Str, +4 Size)
Attacks: +1 Adamantine Warhammer + 17/+12 (+9 Base, +8 Str, +1 magic, -1 Size) or Cannith Switchblade + 17/+12 (+9 Base, +8 Str, +1 magic, -1 Size) and Gore +11 (+9 Base, +8 Str, -5 secondary attack, -1 Size)
Ranged Attacks: +1 Returning Boomerang + 8 (+9 Base, -1 Dex, +1 magic, -1 Size)
Damage: +1 Adamantine Warhammer 1d8+9 (Crit 20, x3) (+8 Str, +1 magic) or Cannith Switchblade 1d8+9 (Crit 19-20, x2) (+8 Str, +1 magic) and Gore 1d8+4 (+4 Str)
Ranged Damage: +1 Returning Boomerang 1d6+9 (Crit 20, x2) (+8 Str, +1 magic)
Face/Reach: 5' x 5'/10'
Special Attacks: Charge (4d6+12), Gore, Smite Evil (+2 to hit, damage) 1/day
Special Qualities: Aura of Good, Darkvision 60-ft, Detect Evil, Divine Grace, Keen Senses +4, Lay on Hands (4 hp/day), Natural Cunning (cannot become lost, track enemies, never flat-footed, immune to maze), Scent 30-ft, Aura of Courage, Divine Health
Base Saves: Fort +5, Reflex +6, Will +6
Total Saves: Fort +12 (+4 Con, +2 Cha, +1 magic), Reflex +9 (+2 Cha, +1 magic), Will +10 (+1 Wis, +2 Cha, +1 magic)
Strength: 26 (+8)
Dexterity: 10 (+0)
Constitution: 18 (+4)
Intelligence: 6 (-2)
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 14 (+2)
Skills: Bluff (Cha) +6 (+4 ranks, +2 Cha), Concentration +4 (+4 Con), Craft (Int) –2 (-2 Int), Handle Animal (Cha) +2 (+2 Cha), Heal +1 (+1 Wis), Intimidate (Cha) +2 (+2 Cha), Knowledge (nobility and royalty) -2 (-2 Int), Knowledge (religion) -2 (-2 Int), Listen (Wis) +10 (+5 ranks, +1 Wis, +4 racial), Profession (Wis) +1 (+1 Wis), Ride (Dex) -1 (-1 Dex), Search (Int) +2 (-2 Int, +4 racial), Sense Motive +1 (+1 Wis), Spot (Wis) +11 (+6 ranks, +1 Wis, +4 racial)
1st: Power Attack
3rd: Cleave
Special Qualities: Aura of Good, Darkvision 60-ft, Detect Evil, Divine Grace, Keen Senses +4, Lay on Hands (4 hp/day), Natural Cunning (cannot become lost, track enemies, never flat-footed, immune to maze), Scent 30-ft, Aura of Courage, Divine Health
Base Saves: Fort +5, Reflex +6, Will +6
Total Saves: Fort +12 (+4 Con, +2 Cha, +1 magic), Reflex +9 (+2 Cha, +1 magic), Will +10 (+1 Wis, +2 Cha, +1 magic)
Strength: 26 (+8)
Dexterity: 10 (+0)
Constitution: 18 (+4)
Intelligence: 6 (-2)
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 14 (+2)
Skills: Bluff (Cha) +6 (+4 ranks, +2 Cha), Concentration +4 (+4 Con), Craft (Int) –2 (-2 Int), Handle Animal (Cha) +2 (+2 Cha), Heal +1 (+1 Wis), Intimidate (Cha) +2 (+2 Cha), Knowledge (nobility and royalty) -2 (-2 Int), Knowledge (religion) -2 (-2 Int), Listen (Wis) +10 (+5 ranks, +1 Wis, +4 racial), Profession (Wis) +1 (+1 Wis), Ride (Dex) -1 (-1 Dex), Search (Int) +2 (-2 Int, +4 racial), Sense Motive +1 (+1 Wis), Spot (Wis) +11 (+6 ranks, +1 Wis, +4 racial)
Languages Known: Common, Giant
1st: Power Attack
3rd: Cleave
6th: Great Cleave
9th: Improved Bull Rush
Possessions (magic items are italicized): +1 Adamantine Warhammer, +1 Heavy Steel Shield, Ring of Feather Fall, Tabard of Resistance +1, Boots of Stomping, Adventuring Sundries (100 g), 2 vials of Bless Weapon oil, Cloak of the Mountebank, +1 Returning Boomerang, Cannith Switchblade, +1 Ghost Touch Plate Armor, Ring of Water Walking
Gold and Treasure: 8,468 g
Possessions (magic items are italicized): +1 Adamantine Warhammer, +1 Heavy Steel Shield, Ring of Feather Fall, Tabard of Resistance +1, Boots of Stomping, Adventuring Sundries (100 g), 2 vials of Bless Weapon oil, Cloak of the Mountebank, +1 Returning Boomerang, Cannith Switchblade, +1 Ghost Touch Plate Armor, Ring of Water Walking
Gold and Treasure: 8,468 g
Magic Item Descriptions:
Boots of Stomping - 3/day generate a 15-ft cone of force. Reflex save (DC 13) or be knocked prone and take 1d4 non-lethal damage.
Cloak of the Mountebank - 1/day teleport up to 760-ft while carrying your heavy load, or up to 3 party members of one size category smaller than you.
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